How Has Your Home Search Changed?

How Has Your Home Search Changed?

  • Mary Lee
  • 06/23/20

It’s likely that you’ve spent more time in your home in the past few months than you normally would. Hopefully, that time has given you even more reason to fall in love with your property.

But what if it hasn’t? Maybe it feels like there are some things your current place is missing.

If that’s the case, you should start taking into consideration what you’ll want in your next home that you don’t have now.

  1. Upgrade your fixtures.Did you know that copper and brass have antimicrobial properties? That can make it easier to keep safety a priority around the house. Of course, they’ll look great too — for doorknobs, sinks, cabinet handles and more.

  2. Dedicate space to work.Working from home (either temporarily or on a more permanent basis) is much easier with a home office. And if more than one person in your household is doing remote work, you probably need more than one office space.

  3. Expand your entryways.If you don’t currently have a vestibule where you enter your home, you may want to build one so you can leave shoes, outerwear and accessories by the door. Install a sink or have hand sanitizer available to make sure you’re not bringing in new germs.

  4. Take advantage of the outdoors.No matter what kind of outdoor space (or lack thereof) you have now, you may see the need for more — or for more personalized use. Wouldn’t it be great to have a spacious balcony, a refreshing swimming pool or a private tennis court?

  5. Don’t neglect accessibility.Whether you foresee extended visits from aging relatives or you want your next property to be long-term, consider accessibility amenities. You can benefit from larger bathrooms and more smart home features now and in the future.

Are you ready to find a home that’s a better fit? Reach out today to get started.

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